For the most part, teachers hold the keys to the future – the kind of civilization in the future depends on the teaching of today.
With this in mind, staff at Sirius College are dedicated in providing an education that is fitting for the raising of the next generation. They are motivated by the responsibility of teaching as they are aware of the influential position they hold as the teachers of the next generation. Thus, staff practice teaching as they would perform a sacred duty – a duty that is directed towards the students, their parents, the community, the nation and even a duty to the world.

Teaching is a demanding profession that requires teachers to serve the community. It is this concept of service that provides our staff with the intrinsic motivation to deliver the profession properly. Giovanni Ruffini wrote,
“A teacher is like a candle which lights others in consuming itself .”
Our staff form a mosaic of local, interstate and international experience which gives students an opportunity to view the world through different lenses.
We have a global team with teachers coming to the College with African, Asian and European experience. Staff use this experience to inform their teaching practice and philosophy. Our staff are motivated by the important value they place on teaching. They aim to act as role models engaging in what is right, being considerate and consistently showing understanding, patience, compassion and enthusiasm. Teachers aim to make students feel valued by tackling failure as well as embracing success. Our staff are in the business of not only teaching students but also in fostering values by not simply explaining but demonstrating as role models.